Thursday, October 18, 2012


Fun fact about favorite board game is LIFE.  Some people think it is boring, but I absolutely love it!  But the strangest thing is...I never care about winning when I play!  For those of you who know me, you realize how incredibly odd that is.
Anyway, this is how my ideal game of life would go...
First, I would put myself in the little green car and head down the "Start College" path. 
After a couple spins, I would eventually land here
My career of choice would obviously be a teacher.  My salary card of choice would be $90,000 (because the $100,000 is only available to those jobs with a yellow colored rectangle).
Now on to the exciting stuff...
I always make sure to name my husband.  The name varies from game to game.  Probably right now he'd be Josh Hutcherson ;)
A couple LIFE tiles and Pay Days later
I love this house!  It is so cute, simple, and cozy!  Be sure to buy insurance!
And now the game gets even more fun
Baby boy!
Baby girl!
Baby boy!
Baby girl!
I, of course, would not mind if I landed on every single baby square there was on the board (counting the twins and adoption!)...but for the blog's sake we'll stop at four kids.
After I've passed all the baby squares and the grandparents square, I am ready to retire...
in Countryside Acres!  I mean, doesn't  this little place seem so much cozier than the Millionaire Estates?
And that, my friends, is my ideal game of LIFE.